Saturday, June 28, 2008

There's a storm a comin!!!


ItsMe! said...

Hi Brax
My name is Diane. I was searching the web for some photos of Mali as I am heading there in December with my husband and daughter to visit our son Dave in the PC.

I came across your blog and as you can imgagine, it was very exciting when I came across a photo on your blog of my son Zack! When I first saw the photo, i thought "wow, those photos look like the photos Zack and Mike brought back from Mali duiring a sand storm. Then I saw Zack. I definitely knew it was him when I enlarged it and saw that towel as he brought that with him from here!

I read your post and saw that you met my sons Dave [PCV Mali], Mike and Zack. They had a wonderful time rock climbing and Elephant seeking!

We are looking forward to coming to Mali and hope we get to meet you! Dave gave us a really cool itinerary - Bamaco, Sevare, Timbucktu [camel ride and camp out] and other fun events.

Keep up the wonderful work you are doing.


ItsMe! said...

I forwarded your blog address to Zack and Mike!