Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tourists Suck

Its November now and the weather is starting to cool off (finally) and the nights are actually almost chilly. That also means that its tourists season in Dogon Country. Every week more and more toubobs flood the streets of Bandiagara Mopti and Sevare. They load up their big SUV's and take tours of the cliff dwelling and Dogon villages. I'm slightly torn on tourism. It brings a lot of money to the area, but I also feel like a culture that has been around hundreds of years longer than the United States is selling out for a cheap buck and in a way dying out. And MAYBE it should. How long CAN you live in houses made of rocks in places that don' t always have adequate sources of drinking water and food supplies. But they have made it this far and I tend to think if we left them alone they would make it another 1,000 years without problem. But the modern world closes in and people want crap they can take home so they can say Mali is "fascinating." So Pays Dogon becomes Disneyworld for 3 months and every kid I meet says "Toubob, Don wa cadeau" or "white man give me present!" But it seems Mali is on my side because they decided to close the airport for a week so the could do some contruction. Take that Toubobs!
Aside from my complaints Mali does have sites that really are incredible. I got the chance to see some because there were these US AID guys in town who are actually working or starting I should say a project to develop tourism here . I hopped in their car only because at the end of the day they were going to Sevare and I wanted to go to Sevare and their nice SUV is better than an overcrowded station wagon, but that doesn't necessarily mean I endorse their project. I guess I really know how to stand by my convictions. I was however able to see some of the cliff dwellings that the Dogon carved out in the 11th and 12th centuries. Very cool and I do have pictures. I think I will go to Sevare for Thanksgiving because there is an American there named Mac who owns a small hotel PCV's stay at and he is cooking an authentic Turkey Day dinner. Complete with Pumkin Pie! Maybe ice cream. But anyway Sevare has fast internet and I will get photos of my house and the cliffs and my village up.

Care packages have started coming in and you would think it was Christmas around here. I think about every PCV in the area has gotten one this week. Those are a BIG moral booster. Village life gets rough and knowing there are people back home who haven't forgotten you and are good enough to send you chocolate and Playboys can help you get through those patches.
I'll admit it has been a rough 2 weeks for me. Harvest has been going full swing which leaves very few people in the village during the day. Some days I go out and help where I can and try and get an idea of how harvest works, but a lot of the time I not in the fields. Since all the men are working and the women don't speak Bambara... I'll just say it is hard and leave it at that. I know it doesn't sound like it would be difficult, but it gets to you.

Pretty soon harvest will be over and I'm not sure what the village will be like after that. I know a lot of times once the work is done the younger men move down to Bamako and other bigger cities to find jobs and make some money. There is kinda a mass migration sometime around now. I'm not sure when exactly it will happen.

So tomorrow I'll head back to my site. The way I usuually go is right at about 100 kilometers from Bandiagara. I usually bike the first 50 and take a car the next 35 and bike/car it the last 15. Today I got 25K out of Bandiagara and got a flat tire in the middle of the bush. Since being here I have become a pro at fixing flat bike tires, but my tire had 2 wholes and I had 1 patch. So here I am. Try again tomorrow. Thats that. I'm out of time.

Take Care.

Amasagou Togo


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm still working on getting stuff together to send you, so hold tight buddy! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Chocolates and Playboys - yeah! Cathcing up with your blog finally. Brings back a lot of memories. Enjoy your crazy momments and have fun.


emily said...

Hey Braxton. Want anything exciting from London? And speaking of tourism... want any visitors? Mali isn't that far from the UK on a map - although I'm not sure how cheap airfare is. But yeah, I told you I'd come visit. Let me know if that's at all feasible anytime in the next year.

Anonymous said...

My mom did Mary Margaret's hair last week and I think all they do is talk about you. My mom, like me, has 500 stupid questions to ask. Sounds like you are doing great, I am still amazed! I don't want to make you jealous, but you did miss a pretty sweet wedding reception and I am unfortunatly off the market as of October 4th. We did get to see someone getting arrested COPS style right across the street from our wedding chapel in Vegas, which made the whole thing that much more "vegas." Ben loved it. We are moving to Farmer City in January, I can't take this big city life in Champaign anymore. Or at least I get sick of writing those big rent checks. I hope you have a great thanksgiving and that your american friend pulls through with that ice cream. I can't wait to see more pictures and hear more updates from Mary Margaret.

Lesa Jo Brandt :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Braxton,

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Our good old Alliance buddies have been keeping me posted. Take care and enjoy! Katie Trimble

Anonymous said...

hey loser! hope you still having fun! nothing new just cold as hell! Molly killed a rabbit and ripped its head off! she a true killer! the winter drinking season is going on now and I have been living it up! you need to come back so we can drink again! I also saw Gary Boyles eat the pavement with flowers in his hand! pretty funny! well go to go see ya Chad!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Braxton!

Thanks for posting all the pictures. I heard about a peace corps person (from Illinois I believe) who got killed in a hunting trap, I was scared when I heard about it and was relieved to find out it wasn't you.

I am not sure if you have been following any illini football but they made it to the Rose Bowl, mainly because Michigan sucks and Zook is awesome.

I snagged a few tickets, so I'll get you something from the game, would you prefer a hat, a shirt or some sort of drinking chalice.

Ps, not sure if I told you, but I passed the bar.

Later buddy,

Vicki said...

Hi Braxton!

I love hearing of your adventures and the pictures are great. What an experience! It sounds like you learned quickly what a cushy life we Americans have? We miss seeing you around as you can guess, things are the same around FC. The smoking ban went in to effect January 1, I quit about 3 months ago but a little puff here and there still tastes good with beer '-) Take care Braxton, we miss you!

Vicki Mowery

Anonymous said...

You write very well.