One of the first things that happens to you when you arrive at your homestay village is you are given a Malian name. I am now known throughout Banakoro as Djigi (the d is silent) Coulibaly!
But anyway I am now back at Tubaniso after spending two weeks in village. I can honestly say it was probably the most intense two weeks I can remember. We arrived and there were women dancing and playing the drumbs and man children all gathered around us. After the music stopped we were taken into the square to meet the Chief of the Village. There was a lot of talking, but none of us knew what was going on and we just sat and smiled. Also we were introduced to our host families whom we would be living with during the duration of our training. I'm with the Coulibaly family, but Coulibaly is a very common name and there are I think 3 other volunteers with that last name.
My family has a nice house with mango trees growing in the concession (but the mango season is over). I have a small room which is usually hot so I don't spen much time in there. We have a decent sized training group 8 of us (started at 9, but one ET'd). Our days are very long and usually pretty exhausting. I get up about 6:20 and have myself a splash bath. Nobody talks to you until you are clean. After my bath my sister makes me breakfast usually consisting of eggs and bread and powdered milk. I head to school at 8:00 and we have language class under the mango trees until noon. I'm learning Bambara which is not the most difficult language, but still frustrates me. At noon I go home and have rice and some kind of sauce with maybe some fish or beef. Eating here...I could write a whole blog on eating, and maybe I will someday, but the short version is the food is in a big metal bowl and everyone sits around and eats out of the same bowl. With their hands, but only the right hand because the left hand is used in the jegen(bathroom) in conjuction with the salii daaga (which is a teapot basically that holds water). They don't use toilet paper. Do the math on your own. If you need help consult with your neighbor. DO NOT EAT WITH YOUR LEFT HAND!
After lunchmore lanuage and cross cultural. My LCF's are the best. They are teaching us well. I think I will be speaking Bamabara in no time. After school we hang out in the village or go to the butiki for a coke. I'm usually home by 6:30 and I get another splash bath. I usually eat dinner around 7:30 or 8:00. Sometimes I get macoroni or potatos or fish. after dinner I study or read or try to talk with my family, but am not having much success there.
In bed by 9:00 usually.
Now for the fun part
I seem to have picked up a bacterial intestinal infection and have had severe "Mr. D" for 6 dys now. It was pretty hard to eat and choke down rice and fish everyday. I tried to just let it run its course, but after 5 days I thought this is no longer just me getting used to the new food. So I'm on Cipro now and I think I'm close to better now. In 5 days though I lost 7 pounds. The good thing about Tubaniso though is that the food is really good and I can try and beef back up. It really wasn't that bad, and I'm fine now so nobody worry.
But I need to get going. I'll be around computers until thursday then its back out to homestay.
I'll update again if I can before I leave Tubaniso.
Sorry no pictures my camera battery died, but I'll get some up soon
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
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Hey Braxton. Or Djigi?
Congratulations on your assignment! Your blog is really facinating.
Your cousin,
Johanna James-Heinz
Hey Hey!! We are glad to hear you are doing better, and we miss you! We really enjoy reading your blog and getting news about your whereabouts and activities!
Hey B-rax,
I'm glad you blogged today. It is nice to hear something from you so that we know what's up. We worry when we don't hear for awhile. But, anyway, sounds like things are quite interesting! Nothing to report here.... will print out your blog for Fundi to read as always.
Love ya,
Jen and Fun
Hi Braxton,
I got an email from Katie, sending me all of your info. Great Blog, I look forward to hearing more. Its sounds like you are really enjoying this and it will be a great experience. Let me know if I can send you anything. Its pretty hot in VA now, expected to be 101 today...for the most part its been a nice summer.
take care
Hey Braxton Great Blog I am keeping the family posted here the girls (Paris)keep saying when are you visiting us I said to them we would have a better chance to get over there in two years then you here. They are ready I do not think the bush is ready for those two. It will have a new meaning of wild life. Will write soon Eric na family
I continue to be amazed. Do you get to use TP or do you have to live the same way everybody else does. I would cut off all use of the left hand. I like your name alot, and it seems like your family is really nice. I can't wait to hear more...I hope your Mr. D problem clears up. I talked to Kate Bragg the other day- she was hanging out with my Aunt Linda- a dangerous combo, but she saved the day when me and some girls were homeless in St. Louis after the Crowne Plaza messed up our reservation. Braggs Rule!!!!
-Lesa Jo
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