Monday, October 15, 2007

Malian Food

So while I'm at site I have a lot of thinking time and this is what I came up with as far as Malian food is concerned. I compare it to a teenage kid whose is discovering beer for the first time. It tastes awful and you are going to puke, but you keep coming back for more and more and you keep shoving it down. After awhile you are puking less and wouldn't you know it you kinda like the way it tastes. That's Malian food.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Volunteer Life

We were on our way out of Bamako headed up to Mopti. Some of us were excited alot of us were sleeping and the majority of us were probably fighting hang overs. And then our bus wrecked. It wasn't a bad wreck and no one was hurt, but it definitely wasn't the best way to start our 2 years here.

The Mopti area is fun. My site is good. Life is very slow there though and usually after about 4 days I need to get out and go somewhere to speak english and get some good food. I have but brand new mud brick house with a brand new ngegen which I am very excited about. I don't spend much time in the house though, mainly because its hot... and there are scorpions... in my house.

I sleep outside too and probably will most of the year. The cold season is coming so I might get to sleep inside when that comes, but I really like sleeping outside and waking up at 5:30 with sun. My village is very cool at that time of the day because its still very quiet and calm and peaceful. All those summers when dad refused to turn on the air conditioner and I would suffer the heat and cuss him out because I couldn't sleep and it never occurred to me to just go sleep outside. I guess in America there is some kind of unspoken rule that if your not actually camping you can't sleep outside? But i have to go cause my hour is up at the internet cafe.

Take care.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Can You Believe It, They Let Me In!!

I have to be quick but I just qanted to update. Im in, passed my tests and sqore in at the US Embassy. Im now at my site in the Mopti Area. Life is hot and slow but good. I think Ill be in Sevare next week so Ill write more then if i can!

Braxton Bragg
Corps de la paix
B.P. 19
Mali West Africa

Some of you asked for that.

More soon I hope.